acide humique fulvique : decontamine les organismes aquatiques du GO ( etude scientifique , verifiee ).Houttunia anti poisons et venins. Schisandra : supposee desactiver la proteine clathrine luciferase des nano bots . Argiles verte cattier montmorillonite : detox metaux, toxines, poisons . pas de zeolite ( contient trop de aluminium ) Serrapeptase : dissout in vitro le gel plastique hydrogel trouvé dans le sang des tres contaminés

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ok dont take Nac and other supplements the' freedom " doctors told us ,supposedly to 'detox' graphene ( vit D, vit C , quercetine, Glutathion, NAC, ivermectine, zinc ) its apparently not true

They bind to Go transforming it into r GO reduced graphene hydroxide which is much worse during IN VITRO numerous scientific studies by producers and promoters of graphene-based components its absolutely TRUE .

Does it happen in vivo? i woudnt take the risk anymore.


i am poisoned for one month with articain shots in my gum because i couldnt avoid and extraction

i did research on things that may be could help and its NOT supplements and anti oxydants!

Humic fulvic acid: decontaminates GO aquatic organisms (scientific study, verified)

.Houttunya herb : anti -poisons and venoms.

Schisandra: believed to deactivate the clathrin luciferase protein in nano-bots..


Cattier montmorillonite green clay: detoxifies metals, toxins and poisons. No zeolite (contains too much aluminum).

Serrapeptase: dissolves in vitro the plastic hydrogel found in the blood of highly contaminated humans .

https://ronalddnorris.substack.com/p/serrapeptase-works-fast-on-fresh?utm_source=substack&utm_campaign=post_embed&utm_medium=web [show less]

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Vive la résistance!. Good man that Ronald.

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There are no functioning links to view any of this here or in the link to the other site..........

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It's disappointing

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Graphene nanotech filaments found in dental anesthetic (freezing) injections



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Sep 7, 2023
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NO .

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Especially when its contaminated like so many of them are.

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Sep 7, 2023
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wow ! thank you so much !!!

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il manque la 2 que je voulais voir, mais moi aussi je nai trouve que celle çi sur Bitchute

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